Once-A-Year Parking Garage Must-Have Safety Checklist

Verify these twelve safety conditions yearly to reduce risks and costs for your parking garage.

March 20, 2019


Once-a-year parking garage must-have safety checklist

  • Check that gates are visible, functional, and open automatically when cars approach or when there is a loss of power.
  • Identify blind spots and ensure either a STOP sign or mirror is posted there.
  • Make sure vegetation is trimmed away, both for visibility and surface integrity.
  • Identify tripping hazards and repair or highlight.
  • Check that slip-resistant surfaces are intact.
  • Are storm water control systems in place and functional?
  • Review ADA compliance for signage, ramp incline, nad parking spot width.
  • Are bicycle/motorcycle areas well-marked and safe from oncoming traffic?
  • Check for accumulation of water, snow, and debris.
  • Ares upport columns intact? No cracking?
  • Is all lighting functional and up-to-date with LED bulbs? Are there any dark areas?
  • Are emergency call boxes present, visible, and functional?

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