Solving Top Challenges for Warehousing and Distribution Centers

Exceed customers’ expectations for on-time, undamaged deliveries, and great service. ABM provides labor, demand-based support, and safety, in addition to your warehouse maintenance and cleaning needs.

March 15, 2019


Solving Top Challenges for Warehousing and Distribution Centers

With Facility Services that Deliver

Your customers have high expectations.They want timely, undamaged deliveries, but they have no idea of the delicate balancing act you perform to ensure they receive the level of service they expect. In order to meet their needs, you need support in dealing with your biggest challenges.

Labor Is a Constant Concern

Labor costs account for 50-70%of the average company’s warehouse budget. Top labor issues?

  • Finding and keeping qualified/skilled/dependable workers
  • Increasing workforce productivity
  • Controlling labor costs

Demand Fluctuations Are a Challenge Too

64% of supply chain executives say that being flexible enough to respond to changes in volume is a top concern.

And Safety is a Continuous Concern

$36,894 Average cost of a workers' compensation claim.

Let ABM Facility Services Help You Take on Your Biggest Challenges

When you can rely on your facility to operate efficiently — and with full staff— you can focus on meeting customer expectations. ABM services 70+warehousing and distribution center clients nationwide. From managed staffing to preventive maintenance, we’ve got your back.

  • Expert facility services
  • Large labor pools
  • Established safety program

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