Special Considerations for Maintaining New Stadiums

When you start off with the right facility maintenance plan, new stadiums and arenas have the best chance to hold their value for years to come. Learn more in this infographic.

March 31, 2020


5 Questions to Ask Before You Build a New Sports Venue

1.How Sustainable Will It Be?

Sustainable ideas sometimes play out differently in reality. Long-term viability requires long-term expertise.

2. Are You Prepared for Stakeholder Scrutiny?

Fans, government officials, sports clubs, and the local community all will scrutinize your project. Deliver on your promise to them with a cohesive project team and plan.

3. Are You Building for Long-Term Cost Control?

New venue construction costs are rising. Mitigate the initial sticker shock with short- and long-term cost control.

4. What's the Impact of Multi-Use Flexibility?

Multi-use venues help generate additional revenue streams. To maximize profits on that revenue, you need a well-oiled operations plan.

5. How Will You Use Innovative Technologies?

New technologies can lower costs and enhance the fan experience. But to be effective, have you considered how they'll impact day-to-day operations?

ABM Has the Answers

Partner with the leading facility services provider to build a venue that meets your short- and long-term objectives.

  • Ensure your plans are feasible
  • Help with capital planning
  • Consult on maintenance impact of materials chosen
  • Provide sustainability expertise, including LEED® certified professionals

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